First of all … relax! Our dentist and team are not here to preach about how bad your teeth look or that you do not clean your mouth correctly. If it has been a while since your last dental visit, let us be the first to welcome you back. Dr. Jack Cutrer’s goal is to give you a road map to optimal dental health, regardless of your present condition. On this visit, you will typically see the hygienist to have a cleaning. We will also take any of the necessary digital X-rays we need to enable our proper diagnosis of your present condition.

During your first visit to Rocky Ridge Dental Associates, we will review your medical history. Please bring a list of any medications, both over the counter and prescription, you currently take. You will receive an in-depth clinical exam to disclose dental caries (decay) and periodontal (gum) problems, give you an oral cancer screening and TMJ (joint) exam, and create an evaluation of your occlusion (bite). Your first exam will be performed with a microscope, and you will be able to follow in real time on a video monitor mounted over your chair.

If your treatment is of a complex nature requiring additional diagnostic aids, we may schedule a time to take impressions of your teeth, a series of pretreatment photographs and perhaps additional digital X-rays. This is done routinely if you require treatment to improve your bite or extensive treatment requiring crowns and/or veneers. We invite you to call our dental office today at 205-979-8070 to learn more about what to expect during your first appointment with our skilled dentist in Vestavia Hills, Alabama.